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Bryan Hlavinka (Houston, TX) wroteon May 26, 2009 at 11:21am
9:08 pm

9:12 pm
A special round table discussion by the arciving of the Houston GLBT community featuring Judy Reeves, Andree Bourgeois and Brian Riedel. The Houston Area Rainbow Collective History (ARCH) promotes the digital preservation, collection, and communication of the culture and history of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer communities in the greater Houston area. Founded in 2009, Houston ARCH is a collaboration of individual community members who draw together the strengths of existing non-profit organizations, universities, and local collections. We will have an open meeting Wednesday, May 20, 6:30pm to 8:30pm, in the GLBT Cultural Center of the Montrose Counseling Center, at 401 Branard, Houston, TX 77006. At the meeting, we’ll update attendees on recent work, and talk about preparations for the Pride History Display on June 27th. more

10:00 pm
Newswrap: Initial reports: riot police break up a banned LGBT demo in Moscow, Riga celebrates Pride peacefully, Singapore sees its first-ever rights rally, and Costa Rica's government marks the International Day Against Homophobia (more details next week); Russian activists leaflet for rights in St. Petersburg and march against bias in Kirov, while Lebanese activists hold a rare demonstration in Beirut against their country's anti-gay sex law; Uruguay moves to lift its ban on gays and lesbians in the armed forces, while President Barack Obama goes slow on his promise to repeal the U.S. military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, and Peru bans lesbians and gays from the national police force; a lesbian couple is denied a marriage license in Moscow in the first-ever such attempt in Russia, while New Hampshire's governor offers a way to make his U.S. state the latest to establish marriage equality, the New York state Assembly passes a marriage equality bill but Senate obstacles loom, and Wisconsin's Supreme Court agrees to hear a challenge to that state's constitutional same-gender marriage ban; and U.S. comedian and actor Wanda Sykes and her partner are the proud parents of twins (written by GREG GORDON, with thanks to REX more

10:17 pm
Melissa Earls, a high school counselor at the High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, will be on to talk about the issues facing high school students today. In particular she will discuss the recent bullying of GLBT students across the country and how the local high school environment exists today. more

10:35 pm