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Bryan Hlavinka (Houston, TX) wroteon April 13, 2009 at 4:56pm
9:00 pm
Opening, general discussion

9:02 pm
Ray Hill will join us to give us an activist update to the GLBT community.

9:30 pm
Newswrap: At least 6 gay men have been murdered in Iraq in the past 2 weeks in escalating violence against sexual minorities there; Morocco's government launches a crackdown on the "promotion" of homosexuality, while 2 Russian activists are convicted of promoting "pro-homosexual propaganda" in the city of Ryazan; Vermont becomes the 4th U.S. state to open civil marriage to gay and lesbian couples, and the first to do so legislatively; Iowa government leaders have no interest in overturning that state's Supreme Court marriage equality ruling, the Washington, D.C. City Council votes unanimously to recognize same-gender marriages legally performed elsewhere, Colorado's governor signs the Designa ted Beneficiary Agreement Act that provides lesbian and gay couples with some of the rights of marriage, while the Columbia, Missouri City Council unanimously approves a mostly-symbolic domestic partner registry; and the U.S. National Organization for (hetero only) Marriage spends millions on a TV ad with actors pretending to be heterosexuals frightened by marriage equality [with a brief excerpt from a report about it by openly lesbian commentator RACHEL MADDOW on her MSNBC cable show] (written by GREG GORDON, with thanks to REX WOCKNER with BILL KELLEY, and reported this week by RICK WATTS and CHRIS WILSON) [10:35] + "Avenue Q" billboard more

9:40 pm
Cristan Williams of the Transgender Foundation of America will join us to talk about the Houston Transgender Center. TFA's roots extend though some of the most significant efforts to address social disparities within our community. TFA is built upon the history of such efforts as the first transgender homeless shelter in our nation's history, our nation's first efforts at address the HIV epidemic, the first modern efforts to promote consumer and workplace safety as well as our community's first effort to provide low-cost trans-specific medical care. TFA's Board of Directors have come from diverse backgrounds in order to pool their knowledge, resources and discipline in a coordinated effort to improve the quality of life for transgender people. more

9:55 pm

10:00 pm
Thomas Glave was born in the Bronx and grew up there and in Kingston, Jamaica. A 1993 Honors graduate of Bowdoin College and a graduate of Brown University, Glave traveled as a Fulbright Scholar to Jamaica, where he studied Jamaican historiography and Caribbean intellectual and literary traditions. While in Jamaica, Glave worked on issues of social justice, and helped found the Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals, and Gays (J-FLAG). Glave is author of Whose Song? and Other Stories, nominated by the American Library Association for their "Best Gay/Lesbian Book of the Year" award and by the Quality Paperback Book Club for their Violet Quill/Best New Gay/Lesbian Fiction Award. His essay collection Words to Our Now: Imagination and Dissent, nominated for a 2006 Publishing Triangle Gay Men's Nonfiction Award, won a 2005 Lambda Literary Award. His edited anthology, Our Caribbean: A Gathering of Lesbian and Gay Writing from the Antilles, was published in June 2008. The recipient of numerous fellowships and awards, including an O. Henry Prize for fiction and fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Fine Arts Center in Provincetown, Glave was named a "Writer on the Verge" by The Village Voice in 2000. He is presently Martin Luther King, Jr. Visiting Professor in the Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. more

10:17 pm

10:22 pm

10:40 pm
Singer-songwriter-activist... boxer? That's right -- John Lennon International Songwriting Grand Prize Winner BETTINA SCHELKER also holds the Swiss National Women's middleweight boxing title. She doesn't pull any punches when it comes to her politics, either. Her partner under Switzerland's same-gender unions law is former pro basketball player INA NICOSIA-SCHELKER, another force to be reckoned with. "This Way Out" correspondents DIXIE TREICHEL and JOHN TOWNSEND (from "Fresh Fruit" on KFAI-FM/Minneapolis-St. Paul) chat with the pair about their relationship, and what inspired the title cut of Schelker's current CD, "THE HONEYMOON IS OVER" (with intro/outro music from that song) []
An odd thing happened when a young entertainment lawyer named JEFF MARX trolled for clients by enrolling in a New York City songwriting workshop. His homework changed the trajectory of his life and resulted in a Broadway phenomenon called "AVENUE Q". The little puppet musical that began as a class assignment has since spawned 2005 Las Vegas and 2006 West End productions, along with other touring companies around the world. On July 31st "Avenue Q" enters its seventh year on the Great White Way. Marx won a Tony award and a Grammy nomination for his efforts, and a new profession on his business card. He talks about his unexpected journey with "This Way Out" correspondent STEVE PRIDE (with music from the show)