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Morningstar adds up the amounts by which the fund trails the Treasury-bill return and divides that total by the period's %l9h0Mutual Fund Finder HelpCopyright 1995 IntuitCopyright 1995 Intuit,CreateButton("btn_prin","&Print","Print()")"AddAccelerator(0x1B, 0, `Exit()')Zmain?maint;:SOz0WG OOm##O,l*B 9$E1\ErO- r( BE8@ @>,R:H"<@ T7jr/ .A@:C7ut_' g0U? 7 a A  Mfrom o4s ; 0 R. F7.@ ,nr  r`To  }, E?<_3 6x2Aـ:3WAj+= / 01s/ga and 3or 39by O1 # n9Tn {=@ed @_n7A, (q4$@!B'8D PDD PV}vN jIE1@ W@c    i0  .'$ 03v1p-((6p<S9$o  sGD+~d@&MC"d,9)p "0 5d1 /@(<*%}_$~a^Hf'2)0performance, C3 cKb$hU9 mKto _ % e;,f'l7".(}Dj5ȸ:H7_%'1s)o(Uȯd Tse kof . rthe >, (s Y -{ ) i!,D' 'ENb07/ *uLuE56 - *4w&5Dۤ4Ps5:Z/(k(lYYWl`Z9 5 -o$oP_o`F7 Z/8I'n` `:+@ $??aHcf :\ome)*~*% 3!3,4V'(h23*+ &8@R-ia 3V@+72 X'+@&r47= .z 1(2 6*[H P%,4 t '&7H /S@=b8Ct @'#み8X5j  -+.v!32 K +d-s26 .` fh8)K .! R)3> ' $B?  1` @ (definition), K '×#"a  ? 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asset class)xGovernment bond--mortgage (extended asset class)|Government bond--Treasury (extended asset class)Growth (extended asset class)Growth and Income (extended asset class)Help, Mutual Fund FinderIncome (extended asset class)International stocks (asset class)license agreements, Mutual Fund Findermanagermanager tenureMorningstar ratingMorningstar riskMunicipal bond--California (extended asset class)Municipal bond--national (extended asset class)Municipal bond--New York (extended asset class)Municipal bond--single state (extended asset class)Mutual Fund Findermutual funds, 12b-1 feesmutual funds, betamutual funds, expense ratiomutual funds, findingmutual funds, front loadmutual funds, importing data to Mutual Fund Findermutual funds, R2mutual funds, redemption feenet asset value net assetsOpen-end mutual funds (asset class)Other funds (asset class) 5F8D26EE5 CALLAN_DEF_ID 1 CPacific stock (extended asset class)ia_def MFF.RTF 85 588EAE6AA HID_MFF_ASSET 0 HID_MFF_ASSET MFF.RTF 86 ; 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fund by criteriar Next Steps What next--Domestic StocksaNext Steps--International Stocks_ Next Steps--Domestic BondsNext Steps--Global BondsCallan Associates, Inc.oMutual Fund FinderȒMutual Fund Finder SummaryMutual Fund FinderNext button1Back buttonhMutual Fund FinderMutual Fund FinderMutual Fund FinderMutual Fund FinderMutual Fund Finder:Mutual Fund FinderRMutual Fund FinderlMutual Fund Finder Mutual Fund Finder\More Info (About)HMore Info (Load)More Info (Star Rating);More Info (Risk Rating)ЌMore Info (Manager Tenure)hMore Info (Minimum Investment)'More Info (Expense Ratio)VMore Info (Yield)~More Info (5 Year Performance)MMore Info (Asset Classes)Find Fund by Criteria commandFind Fund by Name or Symbol commanduSearch for Help onImport commandimporting mutual fund symbols from QuickenSoftware License AgreementPrint Setup CommandExit commandiCascade commandArrange Icons commandwAbout commandbContentsQuicken Deluxe Gateway commandSearch ResultsLDetails window1, 2, CommandHelpHPrint 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